Thursday, October 31, 2019

Time Travel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Time Travel - Essay Example And having thought what to do, we can only do it now: while the time for action is future we can only await it, and once it is past it is too late. When it comes to time travel, the perception of difference somewhat diminishes, according to various scientists theories presented in various ways we conclude that most of them agree with the notion that in order to travel back in time one has to travel faster than the speed of light. Only in such condition one can travel in time. Along with the speed of light, there are other three factors that are considered for a person in order to travel. Those factors or four elements on which time travel is based are considered at the very core of science fiction, which are: Foote has his own unique perception according to which traveling whether it be the future or the past is reasonable to justify and can be universally accepted by the judgment that a person is always involved in traveling all the time, every minute and at every second and particularly in his sleep because as we sleep our consciousness takes a several hour-long leap into the future. It is no wonder that this scenario has a respectable, if dateable, past in the literature of science and fiction. But nothing, nothing except dream and memory, stands in relation to travel to the past as sleep does to travel to the future. Travel to the past takes all customary notions of cause and effect, as Foote believes in the laws of thermodynamics. (Foote, 1991, p. 9) which suggests, "heat is a form of energy that is in motion". Let us examine this quotation what Foote has said. Heat is a form of energy and so is the man. A living energy in the form of meat and flesh. A man if moves in motion obviously generates and radiates energy and if a man travels faster than the speed of a light it is for sure that he would wake up in an environment which is quite old and ancient for him. Faster than light travel No doubt Foote has related human capabilities with those of the speed of light. Here is the theory presented by Foote based upon FTL travel first: it is true that the physicists of the tribe have devised a mathematical fiction called the tachyon, which, if it exists, must travel faster than light. Greatly simplified, the logic runs like this: in the universe we observe, we postulate the existence of tardyons, particles which must travel more slowly than light, and luminons, which always travel at precisely the speed of light. The more energy one puts behind a tardyon, the faster it travels and the heavier it gets; but as one approaches the speed of light, vast increases in energy are required to accomplish minuscule increases in speed. Only an infinite amount of energy which is not available to us in this universe will suffice to bring a tardyon to the speed of light". (Foote, 1991, p. 9) There is indeed an asymmetry in respect of past and future in the way in which we describe events when we are considering them as standing in causal relations to one another; Macbeath explains this as it reflects an objective asymmetry in nature and thinks that this asymmetry would reveal itself to us even if we were not agents but mere observers. It is indeed true, that our concept of cause is bound up with our concept of intentional action: if an

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Petrophysics Essay Example for Free

Petrophysics Essay Abstract The South Tapti gas field, located in the Arabian Sea off the western coast of India, has been on production for the last three years. Drill Stem Tests (DST) conducted in five zones in the first appraisal well showed high sand production in all the tests at drawdowns as low as 20 psi. Due to the unconsolidated nature of the reservoir sand, it was decided to gravel pack all future wells. Initially, the High Rate Water Pack (HRWP) technique was used on 13 completions including some stack and selective completions. Due to a change in the drilling fluid to an oil based mud (OBM) system and the higher damage associated with the it, it was later decided to switch the gravel packing technique to ‘Frac and Pack’. This involved creation of a small frac to bypass the near wellbore damage using a gel-based fluid, followed by gravel placement using the HRWP. The Frac Pack technique was tried on 10 completions. Extensive production and pressure data collected on the above completions show that the ‘Frac Pack’ technique has led to a decrease in the mechanical skin by almost 70 %. More importantly, it has also been responsible for decreasing the Rate Dependent Skin Coefficient, D, by 50 %, which has a greater impact on the well productivity since these wells are produced at average rates of 25 MMSCFD. This paper describes the gravel packing techniques used in the South Tapti gas field, their evolution and the results achieved. Inroduction The South Tapti field, located off the Western coast of India, is represented by a series of alternating sand and shale sequences. The upper reservoir intervals are dominated by tidal-bar and channel sands deposited in a deltaic environment while the lower sands represent incised valley deposits consisting largely of alluvial/fluvial channels, tidal bars and tidal creeks. The exploratory wells drilled in the field indicated strong sand production tendencies due to the unconsolidated nature of the reservoir rock. This was corroborated by extensive testing of the first development well when all the five zones tested produced sand even under extremely low pressure drawdown conditions. The completion policy for the field focused on preventing sand ingress while minimizing the near well-bore damage inherent in any sand control application. The early development wells were gravel packed using the high rate water pack (HRWP) technique. These initial completions were highly successful in preventing sand production but also induced significant damage in the process. The problem was accentuated when the drilling mud system was changed to an oil base system in an attempt to offset recurrent drilling problems arising out of unconsolidated sandstone and presence of reactive clays. This called for a change in completion philosophy in order to ensure that the wells retain high productivity with effective sand control. Geologic and Reservoir Characterization The South Tapti field is localized by a broad SW-NE trending, doubly plunging anticline. The field has up to 13 different Oligo-Miocene gas bearing sands, separated by shales. The reservoir sands were deposited in both incised valley and deltaic settings. Reservoir sands within incised valleys consist of alluvial/fluvial channels, tide-influenced channels and tidal bars. The channel sands typically are the cleaner sands with excellent porosity permeability and up to 20 m thick, whereas the tide-influenced channels and tidal bars are shalier, with more modest porosity and permeability. CLAY MINERALS 1. Abstract: Tapti Basin in Surat Depression, Bombay Offshore is characterized by entirely siliciclastic succession. The cores and cutting samples, and wireline logs provide important information about the stratigraphy, basin fill, mineralogy, source and reservoir rock characteristics. Well under study is located in South Tapti sub-basin and contains gas-bearing sandstone within Mahim Formation of Late Oligocene age. The cuttings and cores have been megascopically examined and with the aid of electrical log data, the litholog of the well is prepared. The study involves XRD and major element analysis of selected samples. The XRD and digital log data from Natural Gamma Sepctrometry (NGS) log indicate that montmorillonite is the major clay mineral present in the upper part of the succession, whereas kaolinite present in the lower part (1868 m MD to 2427 m MD). Kaolinite is apparently formed by early stages of burial diagenesis, whereas montmorillonite is a weathering product of the Deccan Basalt. Interpretative lithology from the well log response shows that reservoir sandstones have developed within the depth interval of 1865m TVD to 1945 m TVD within dominantly shale lithology. Reservoir sandstones are semiconsolidated, medium to coarse grained and moderately well sorted. Quartz is the dominant detrital component in all the sandstones. Pay sands are quartz arenite whereas non-pay sands are quartz wacke with varying amount of clay matrix. Kaolinite in the reservoir section reduces the permeability of quartz wacke, but enhancing porosity in microlevel. Carbonate, siderite and iron oxide are main cementing material. Major element data showing that clastic sediments were delivered to the basin possibly by the Proto Tapti river but they may be having dual source of origin. The discriminant functions of Meyer and Nederlof, 1984 has indicated that the studied formations do not have source rock potential. Key words: Tapti Basin, Bombay Offshore, hydrocarbons, provenance and clay minerals. quartz wacke, but enhancing porosity in microlevel. Carbonate, siderite and iron oxide are main cementing material. Major element data showing that clastic sediments were delivered to the basin possibly by the Proto Tapti river but they may be having dual source of origin. The discriminant functions of Meyer and Nederlof, 1984 has indicated that the studied formations do not have source rock potential.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Green Living: What Is It?

Green Living: What Is It? The earth, as we know it is deteriorating in ways more than one. In order to set it right and restore the balance of events, we need to take an initiate and change our lifestyles to support the planets health. There are many ways by which you can also start to live greenly. The actual meaning of green living is to live in a way that is favorable to the planet and does not harm, or use up any of its resources excessively. It shows that you care for your planet, and are willing to make an initiative to set things right. If one person starts to live in greenly, others will see the effort he is making and eventually start to follow his example. Because the condition of the planet is worsening day by day, it is important that we take an initiative right now rather than repent it later. The world is deteriorating at a rapid rate, and it is all because of us. Many people dont give enough care to what they do, and these results in a rapid use up of the planets resources. For instance, we often do not give enough care to the electricity consumption of our house. There are many ways by which you can start green living too. However, in order to actually make an impact, we people need to realize the damages that we are doing and we all need to make a collective effort towards the betterment of this planet. One person can make a difference, but one person can set an example for others to follow. Some of the tips that we can follow in order to live greenly are mentioned below. The first thing that you need to do is to limit your energy consumption. There are many ways by which you can do that. Try to avoid excessive usage of your desktop computer, because a desktop computer uses up lots of energy that could otherwise be saved. For instance, you could just start to use a laptop, and if you dont have one, it is certainly wise that you buy one for yourself so that you can limit your energy consumption. Now, as mentioned, one person cant do anything or make an impact on the planet at all. However, imagine if every person in an area started to effectively use their energy and started to limit their consumption, then what would happen? Ill tell you, the planet would slowly start to heal itself because a load would be lessened and slowly the resources that are used in generating electricity would be lessened and this could be highly beneficial because at present we use large amounts of coal and other thermal resources to facilitate our stay on this planet. However, the rapid consumption of these resources, which are non renewable would want day result in the death of one of these crucial resources. For instance, if coal becomes extinct, then a lot of activity on this planet would cease to exist and we would just be searching for alternatives that might not be found so easily. However, if we start to use non renewable energy in our homes and start to take care of our planet, we could definitely make a small impact which might enlarge and the whole world might just join the go green movement. Article#2 Green Living- Time to go green: Summary Green living is the changing of your life style to set it according to the ways of the planet. By that, I mean that we need to make our stay more favorable in this planet so that we do not harm it in any way. There are many ways to initiate green living. In order to make your life a bit better and a bit greener, you need to take certain steps so that you do not harm the resources of this planet. The first step that you can include if you wish to start green living is efficient energy consumption. Many people dont realize that they waste large amounts of energy in various unnecessary things that could otherwise be saved. Electrical energy is made by the use of thermal resources and there are very few plants that make use of non renewable resources. Hence, the more energy you waste, the more thermal resources would be used up of the planet. If all these resources get used up, this could be very harmful for the planet in a variety of ways. At present, we are rapidly using the planets resources to facilitate and make our lives better. But, if we cut down on them, we could certainly make living on this planet a bit better and much greener. You can practice a variety of small things that could certainly save you a lot of energy which could otherwise reduce the load on the planet. If you have a car that runs on diesel or petrol, it would be wise to convert it to CNG, which uses compressed natural gas that is not harmful in any way to the planet. What happen when you use petrol or diesel is that carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide are released in to the atmosphere, which harms the planets atmosphere as well as the ozone layer of the planet. We need to take care of the planet, because we have certainly used it in a very harmful way. Other things that we can do and change if we want to live greener life are that we can cut down on our energy consumption. Some of the largest amounts of energy are consumed when people leave the lights of their homes on and do not bother to turn them off. The lights just keep on using energy even though they are not being used in any way. Therefore, it is always wise and highly recommended that you shut off the lights before leaving any room so that you can save on energy. A go green movement has been initiated by the people, and it is gaining a lot of popularity as more and more people are changing their lives and living methods so that their stay on this planet becomes favorable for them as well as for the planet. You need to take care of the planet, because if we dont then there is no one else who will. We need to practice just a few things which would certainly not restrict our lives in any possible manner, but would certainly allow the planet to heal itself and become a better place for everyone to live in. Start green living, and support the planet, because it never gives up on you. Article#3 Time to Start Green Living! Summary: Our planet is slowly dying, and if we dont do anything about it soon enough, it would eventually begin to deteriorate and everything would be used. The world would become a barren place without any resources. We need to cater to the needs of our planet, and we need to change our life styles so that it becomes beneficial to the planet. We need to become much more eco friendly, so that no harm is dealt to the planet by our existence. At the moment, we are certainly not doing anything like that and in order for us to be able to know whats right and whats wrong for the planet, we really need to open our eyes and look around. Global warming is rapidly become an increasing phenomena, the glaciers are melting at a very fast rate. Do you think this is happening on its own accord? If you do, then you need to revise your thinking. The instigators of global warming are just us. We have driven the planet to the extent that it has begun to harm itself. Every day, we use up large amounts of the resources of the planet to facilitate our lives, but do we realize who is going to replenish those resources? No, we dont. All we are intent on is making life easy for ourselves. However, the time has now come for us to make a move and change our lives so that we do not pose a threat, or become a source of harm to the planet. We need to analyze and see that whatever we are doing is according the needs of the planet or not. If it isnt, then we need to change and start green living so that the planet begins to replenish its resources and becomes the beautiful place it once was. Floods, earth quakes and all natural disasters are instigated because of us if you actually look at it in a wider sense, and all we think is that the planet is hurting us. It is not in any way trying to harm us, but these are just signs of things to come if we dont take care of our beloved planet. Many people have now begun to realize the message that is being conveyed and have begun green living so that they could be free of the guild of destroying the planet. You can start green living as well, and by following some simple guidelines, you could certainly be on your way in helping the planet. It is futile to think that one person can do nothing, but you should try and set an example for others to follow. Try being a source of inspiration to others so that they also being to adopt green living as well. Simple steps such as turning off the lights or electricity when not in use could go a long way in helping the planet, and it highly recommended that we now start to utilize our energy efficiently because it is high time that we begin to listen to the pleas of the planet and try to make life better for ourselves before things get out of hand and it all becomes too late.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Internet Censorship Two Case Studies: Australia and the United States E

I. Introduction Internet censorship laws started appearing around the world in 1995. These laws covered content already illegal in existing laws for non-internet content, as well as for content that is not suitable for minors. Worldwide, four different approaches were taken with internet censorship. 1) The government encouraged user self-regulation, and voluntary use of content filters by their citizens. 2) Laws were implemented that penalized content providers who made censored material available online. 3) Some governments instituted country wide blocking of censored material. 4) The most restrictive censorship implemented by some governments was complete blocking or restrictive access to the internet. 1 This paper will show whether the ethics of censoring internet content depends on the culture and laws of the country. I personally believe that internet censorship is not ethical and internet users should decide for themselves what they can and cannot see. This paper will prove the ethical implications of internet censorship through two case studies: the United States' Communications Decency Act, and Australia's Broadcasting Services Amendment (Online Services) Act 1999. The United States and Australia have both taken two different approaches to internet censorship. However, both countries started out with similar censorship laws. The United States in 1996 passed the Communications Decency Act. This law was later found to be unconstitutional and in violation of first amendment rights to freedom of speech. The US currently has no internet censorship laws. The Australian government uses the Broadcasting Services Amendment (Online Services) Act 1999 to censor internet traffic t o this day. II. US and the ... ...4, . Internet Censorship in Australia, 20 December 2002, Electronic Frontiers Australia, 23 April 2004, . Review of the Operation of Schedule 5 to the Broadcasting Services Act 1992, 8 November 2002, Electronic Frontiers Australia, 23 April 2004, . Jacques Berleur, Penny Duquenoy, Diane Whitehouse, Eds., Ethics and the Governance of the Internet, September 1999, Internalional Federation for Information Processing, 23 April 2004, . Meghan Shapiro, Censorship, November 1998, University College of the Cariboo, 23 April 2004, .

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

World Cup

Intro: GOOOOOOALLLLL!!! Many of you have probably heard this if you’ve been near or heard of soccer. Originally, I had not taken surveys for the World Cup. So by a number of hands, how many of you have heard of the World Cup? I’ll be informing you all a little more knowledge about one of the biggest competitions in the world. (Change) I’ll be teaching you all about the history of the World Cup, awards given during the competition, and about the next World Cup. (CHANGE) First, we will be discussing the history of the FIFA World Cup.FIFA stands for Federation Internationale de Football Association. * The World Cup began back in 1930 in Uruguay and only consisted of 13 teams. * Out of those 13 teams, 7 were from South America, four from Europe, and 2 North American teams. * Henry Winter states in his article that many European nations didn’t want to participate because of the length of time to Uruguay and the fear of losing their jobs. * The W. C. occurs ever y 4 years and destination changes every time. * There have been a total of 19 World Cups, the most recent in South Africa where Spain won its first W.C. * Stan Collymore states the country that has won the World Cup the most times is Brazil, by winning the W. C. 5 times and running up twice. The second nation would be Italy, by winning 4 times and running up twice. The third is Germany by winning 3 times and running up 4 times. * The U. S. has hosted the W. C. once in 1994. * Matches were held in 9 different cities * They were in Detroit, San Francisco, New York City, Orlando, Chicago, Dallas, Boston, and Washington D. C. Now that we’ve gone over some of the history, let’s talk about awards that are won. CHANGE) Second, we will be discussing awards that are won in the biggest soccer competition. * The most important and prestigious award is actually winning the World Cup trophy. * There have been two different trophies used in the World Cup, the Jules Rimet Trophy (193 0-1970) and the FIFA World Cup Trophy (1974-present). * The FIFA World Cup trophy is made of 18-carrat gold and the current holders of this trophy is Spain. * Tony Evans states that the Jules Rimet Trophy was made of gold plated sterling silver and depicted The Greek Goddess of victory, Nike.This trophy was won outright by the Brazilians for winning it three times, but was stolen in 1983 and has not been recovered (CHANGE) * . There is an awards ceremony for individual honors at the end of the World Cup Final. Each individual award is decided by a panel of FIFA heads and the winner is voted by media representatives. * The Golden Ball award is awarded to the best player in the World Cup * The Golden Boot goes to the player with the most goals throughout the tournament * The Golden Glove award goes to the best goalkeeper of the tournamentNow that we have discussed the awards given, we will finally discuss the upcoming World Cup. (CHANGE) Finally, we will be discussing the 2014 World C up that will be held next summer. * . The 2014 World Cup will be held in the nation of the most winning nation, Brazil. * This will be the 20th world cup ever. * This will be the second time Brazil has hosted the World Cup, the first time being in 1950. * There will be 12 different venues for this event. Oliver Kay mentions the average capacity of each stadium will be 54,846 people. * The World Cup final will be held in the Estadio do Maracana, which holds just over 76,000 people. In conclusion, we have discussed some of the history of the World Cup, awards given to the top players, and the upcoming World Cup next year. You will have a better knowledge and understanding of the beautiful game. Now you can share all of this with your friends and family in the summer of 2014 for the World Cup in Brazil. â€Å"

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Reclusion vs. Seclusion

Reclusion vs. Seclusion Reclusion vs. Seclusion Reclusion vs. Seclusion By Maeve Maddox A reader asks to know the difference between â€Å"reclusion and seclusion, reclusive and seclusive.† Although synonyms for one another, these words are not interchangeable in every context. Of the nouns, seclusion is used more frequently than reclusion to refer to a state of being apart from society. One of its meanings is â€Å"a desirable separation from the hustle and bustle of daily life†: Wilderness lodges and resorts offer the utmost in luxurious accommodations and amenities, while providing the seclusion that many travelers seek when they visit Alaska. Shrouded by forest, Monterey estate offers seclusion, serenity In the context of public education, seclusion is a term for the prescribed separation of a disruptive student from classmates: The immediate goal of seclusion is to defuse a dangerous situation, protect the student and others from injury, and regain a safe, controlled, productive learning environment. Reclusion also refers to the state of being separated from society, but this word carries the connotation that the separation is a chosen way of life. Although the adjective seclusive may be found in the OED, it is not in common use. Reclusive is the common word used to mean, â€Å"disposed to prefer seclusion or isolation.† The word reclusion has religious origins. In the Middle Ages, women called anchoresses lived in reclusion: they inhabited a cell or small suite of rooms attached to a church and never left. Food was passed to them through a window. Some anchoresses, like Dame Julian of Norwich, received visitors for purposes of counseling, but some lived apart from all but the most necessary interaction with other people, sealed up in their cells as in a tomb. The word for a person who chooses a life of reclusion is recluse (American pronunciation: [REK-loos]; British pronunciation [ri-KLOOS]). In modern usage, the noun recluse and the adjective reclusive are used mainly in a nonreligious context. For example, well-known personalitiesliving and dead are often described as reclusive, notably, J.D. Salinger, Harper Lee, Emily Dickinson, and Howard Hughes. Here are some examples from the Web: Snowden A Recluse One Year On After Receiving Russia Asylum Reclusive  mining  heiress  leaves $30 million to the nurse For the past ten years, the London-born actor [Daniel Day-Lewis] has led a resolutely reclusive existence, locked away on a remote 50-acre estate in the mountains of County Wicklow Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the General category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Idioms About Talking15 Types of Documents1,462 Basic Plot Types

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on West African

The West Africa Regional War For observers of the West Africa regional war, the recent calm in the war-torn Mano River Union (MRU) states Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea has given rise to optimism. Guarded, as this optimism might be, the decrease in violence in West Africa during the second half of 2001 is an important development given the scope and intensity of fighting that gripped these states earlier in the year. While observers agree that the current absence of widespread violent conflict in the MRU is a much-welcomed development, it must not mask the profound cleavages within these societies, the tenuous nature of the UN-imposed peace in Sierra Leone, and the continued serious threat of renewed warfare in the region. A brief overview of the horrendous and persistent conflicts that have engulfed the MRU over the past decade underscores the need for vigilance by the international community in its pursuit of lasting peace in West Africa. The past dozen years of violent conflict in West Africa have led to the death, injury, and mutilation of hundreds of thousands of people and the displacement of millions more. Conservative estimates place the total number of war-related deaths during the seven-year civil war in Liberia (1989 1996) at 150,000, more than 5 percent of Liberia's estimated population (SIPRI Yearbook, 1996). But this number only begins to tell the story of the horror that civil war brought to this small nation of 2.8 million [United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Human Development Report, 1995]. Hundreds of thousands more Liberians were injured, displaced, and terrorized by the conflict, and today the tiny state remains the hostage of its corrupt and brutal dictator, Charles Taylor. After the war spread into Sierra Leone in 1991, it had a similarly devastating effect. As in Liberia, armed insurgents preyed on the rural populations, raping, pillaging, and forcefully inducting children into their ranks. During t... Free Essays on West African Free Essays on West African The West Africa Regional War For observers of the West Africa regional war, the recent calm in the war-torn Mano River Union (MRU) states Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea has given rise to optimism. Guarded, as this optimism might be, the decrease in violence in West Africa during the second half of 2001 is an important development given the scope and intensity of fighting that gripped these states earlier in the year. While observers agree that the current absence of widespread violent conflict in the MRU is a much-welcomed development, it must not mask the profound cleavages within these societies, the tenuous nature of the UN-imposed peace in Sierra Leone, and the continued serious threat of renewed warfare in the region. A brief overview of the horrendous and persistent conflicts that have engulfed the MRU over the past decade underscores the need for vigilance by the international community in its pursuit of lasting peace in West Africa. The past dozen years of violent conflict in West Africa have led to the death, injury, and mutilation of hundreds of thousands of people and the displacement of millions more. Conservative estimates place the total number of war-related deaths during the seven-year civil war in Liberia (1989 1996) at 150,000, more than 5 percent of Liberia's estimated population (SIPRI Yearbook, 1996). But this number only begins to tell the story of the horror that civil war brought to this small nation of 2.8 million [United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Human Development Report, 1995]. Hundreds of thousands more Liberians were injured, displaced, and terrorized by the conflict, and today the tiny state remains the hostage of its corrupt and brutal dictator, Charles Taylor. After the war spread into Sierra Leone in 1991, it had a similarly devastating effect. As in Liberia, armed insurgents preyed on the rural populations, raping, pillaging, and forcefully inducting children into their ranks. During t...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Christian apologetics Essays

Christian apologetics Essays Christian apologetics Essay Christian apologetics Essay The whole question of whether Jesus was who he said he was or not in the minds of the people rests on one of the three conclusions thinking people could come to: Lord, Liar or Lunatic. Is there any other choice? Could Jesus be legend? Like a character out of science fiction or literature, Jesus could be a figment of someones imagination; rather than real life flesh and blood person. People in Jesus time most certainly had different understandings of who Jesus was, for example that He became the Son of God when God adopted Him at His baptism (Marks view perhaps? Or that He became the Son of God when He was born of a virgin (which is when He came into existence, according to Luke). Jesus as liar is harder to establish because if when Jesus made his claims he knew that he was not God, then he was lying and deliberately deceiving his followers. But, if he was a liar, then he was also a hypocrite because he taught others to be honest at whatever cost. 1 Reading the book has given me a new insight into his life and the way that he has affected the lives of the author, his son and the people who were utilize in the writing of this book. It is particularly interesting to me to consider HTH: question of whether Jesus was lord, liar or lunatic, because I had really nevi considered this question. I believe it is a suitable academic exercise that Lech me deeper into the Gospels than I had really ever ventured before and for that, this question is valuable to research. 1 Josh McDowell, Sean McDowell, More Than a Carpenter (Carol Stream, IL: Living Books, 2009) 3:30 2 Is it possible Jesus was deranged? Chapter 3, page 33 Can anyone come to the conclusion that Jesus was out of his mind? Deranged: insane, mad, disturbed, unbalanced, unhinged, unstable, irrational Certifiable. One thing is certain -? at Some point the lunacy Come: to the surface. The facade is cracked and the illness is clear. Had Jesus been insane, could he have endured the truly horrendous circumstances that took place in his life? If he was just a man, he certainly could have been afflicted with or susceptible to these human flaws and sure the insanity would have appeared at certain points in his life to throw his whole mission into question. However, the people in Jesus timer according the Gospels, seemed to accept his miracles and teachings as true at least the people who believed or wanted to believe. Had Jesus been merely a human without divine characteristics, his miracles over nature also cant be explained psychologically, and raising Lazarus from the dead after being in the tomb for a few days is not the stuff of trickery. Jesus wasnt crazy. According to Gary Collins, a psychologist with a doctorate in clinical psychology from Purdue and the author of numerous books and articles, Disturbed individuals often show signs of depression or anxiety and explosive anger. But Jesus never displays inappropriate emotions. Jesus dc get angry in the temple when he saw the misuse of the temple courtyard and the moneychangers taking advantage of the poor. In fact, Jesus seems his most composed when being challenged. All and all, I just dont see signs that Jesus was suffering from any known mental illness. 2 From a logical standpoint, it is my opinion that insanity is not a valid argument. In the boo the authors point to several psychiatrists who disagree that Jesus could hoax been insane based on knowledge we have in this day and age. In light of other things we know about Jesus, its hard to imagine that he was mentally disturbed, 3 according to psychiatrists Arthur Noses and Lawrence Kola from their textbook, Modern Clinical Psychiatry. Again, insanity is not a logical conclusion. It just does not make sense. Jesus spoke some of the most profound words ever spoken and they were recorded by numerous people during his time and after as well as the prophec ies before and all have endured for 2000+ years. 3 In this chapter about Jesus being Lord, Liar or Lunatic, it is interesting to me to think about these things. I have done some extra research while writing this paper and there are all different ideas about this subject, however most tend to agree that lunacy is not a really viable conclusion. 2 Gary Collins, quoted in Lee Strobes, The Case For Christ (Grand Rapids, MI: Conserved, 1998) 147 Josh McDowell, Sean McDowell, More Than a Carpenter (Carol Stream, IL: 2009) 334 4 Josh McDowell, Sean McDowell, More Than a Carpenter (Carol Stream, IL: 2009) 3:34 4 I cannot personally conclude that Jesus as a liar or a lunatic. The only other alternative is that he was and is the Christ, the Son of God, as he claimed. But in spite of the logic and evidence, many people cannot seem to bring themselves to this conclusion. Chapter 3, page 36 Why is it that people, when confronted with the evidence, cannot admit to themselves or others, that Jesus is in fact Lord and God in one; even when hey admit they dont believe Him to be liar or lunatic? In researching their book, the McDowell asked numerous people this question, Jesus, Lord, Liar or Lunatic? The answers they received were interesting because they said that overwhelmingly the question of liar and lunatic came back with an astounding, No! The question Of Lord however, was met with a confusing, Absolutely not! My question is, how can the answer to Lord be Absolutely Not! when the question of Liar and Lunatic is definite No! ? It is illogical to make these two statements. Sean and Josh McDowell point out that it was not just rabble of Jesus time hat had the opinion that Jesus was indeed Lord. It was the educated people, the non-believers and the Council of Niece, as well as the anti-Nice members who considered Jesus as Divine. According to the book, it was common thought that Jesus was and is Divine. Igniting of Antioch was quote as saying God incarnate God himself appearing in the form of man. 5 And Urinates, the Father is God and the Son is God; for He who is born of God is God. 6 In an interview with DRP. D. A. Carson, research professor of the New Testament at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Terrified, Illinois, Lee Strobes asked Carson, What did Jesus say or do that convinces you that Jesus: is God? Carbons answer was surprising to Strobes, Jesus forgave sins. 7 When only God can forgive sins, Jesus specifically does so on a number of occasions. Jesus also considered himself sinless, another attribute of deity. After reading and re-reading this particular chapter in the book, and taking the authors at their word about the conclusions and quotes from other biblical scholars, apologists and medical professionals, it has successfully convinced me that Jesus is Lord -? not lunatic or liar. The e vidence is just too overwhelming. In my opinion, anyone with common sense has to conclude that Jesus is in fact, Lord. 5 Josh McDowell, Sean McDowell, More Than a Carpenter (Carol Stream, IL: 2009) 3:37 6 Josh McDowell, Sean McDowell, More Than a Carpenter (Carol Stream, IL: 2009) 3:38 7 Strobes, The Case for Christ, p. 157-158 6 Overall response to the book. I am always surprised when I read books like More than a Carpenter. I dont really read scholarly books to a large extent. Most of my readings are biographies, non-fiction novels and the news (which isnt necessarily truth hose days); but when read a book like More than a Carpenter, am struck by the questions these kinds of books raise with me.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Descriptive Statistics of a Data Source Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Descriptive Statistics of a Data Source - Essay Example The research reported in this journal article presents a non-parametrical assessment of data on global free trade agreements and their potential effects on the international trade flow based on a statistical assessment of the number and revenues generated from bilateral trade agreements established during the timeframe beginning in 1960 when few FTAs were negotiated, until 2000, when their existence began to dominate global trade policies. The authors concluded that this analysis of the correlation between these two parameters produced a useful and relevant estimate of the effects of FTSa on bilateral trade as a representative of a more generalised international profile. The data suggested that the absence of FTAs has become an increasingly negative economic burden on nations who lack such agreements in regard to their trading position on a bilateral basis. The variables chosen for evaluation are: 1. Log sum of revenues for nations with FTAs; 5 year interval calculations 1960-2000; 2. Log sum of revenues for nations without FTAs, 5 year interval calculations 1960-2000; 3. Difference in log sum values for nations with and without FTAs as a function of time; 4. total number of FTAs worldwide for 5 year intervals ranging from 1960-2000. The data represented in Figures 1-5 indicate that there was a positive correlation between the overall increase in the total number of FTAs globally and the disadvantage to nations not participating in FTAs in regard to the revenues generated by bilateral trade agreements. Overall, the results are suggestive that the increasing trend toward establishing FTAs affects other types of trade agreements, specifically, BTAs.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Analysis of Multiculturalism in a Global Society Article

Analysis of Multiculturalism in a Global Society - Article Example There many different aspects in which multiculturalism can affect the way people within a society behave. One of the factors that affect the behavior of people the most is the culture in which they are raised in. Culture refers to learned, shared, and integrated way of life (NesSmith, 1995). An example of the impact culture has on the behavior within a society is the different roles of women depending in which part of the world they live in. In the United States, women have equal life and they play an integral role in family life. Not only are the primary caretakers for the children, they also share the financial role with men. â€Å"Women compromise more than half the US workforce† (Missouricollege, 2009). In contrast to the Middle East women have very few rights and men dominate society and have power over most aspects of everyday life. In societies in which one of the gender lives in inequality progress is limited because there is a large opportunity cost associated with in hibiting the rights of women. There are other injustices that occur in foreign nations which in the perspective of the local is the normal activity. An example is the spread of child labor in many developing nations. Children should have the right to receive a proper childhood instead of being forced to work at an age in which neither their minds nor bodies are prepared for the task that should be performed by adults. Multiculturalism can also be utilized in an official manner as a type of policy guideline for governmental matters such as immigration. Three approaches to deal with immigrant groups and their cultures are monoculturalism, melting pots, and multiculturalism (Wordiq, 2009). In a monoculturalism, culture countries implement policies in which immigrants are accepted and assimilated. A melting pot occurs in  places where immigrant cultures are mixed and consolidated. The best example of a melting pot is the United States of America.  

Expansion On Authur Millers Death Of A salesman Essay

Expansion On Authur Millers Death Of A salesman - Essay Example man, such as an ancient version of Willy Loman from Arthur Miller’s play â€Å"Death of a Salesman,† would be no more shocking or dramatic than fish going bad. However, a modern audience has a much more difficult time relating to the sanctity of the mighty. It is much easier for them to expect downfalls of their leaders and more shocking to them when they see someone more like them, a common man, fail due to his own mistaken beliefs. Thus, in modern times, Miller’s ‘low man’ Willy is the quintessential classic tragic hero of the modern age. Although the tragic hero was a character in ancient Greek plays long before Aristotle codified the term, they all shared these same characteristics that Aristotle identified. As has been mentioned, in ancient times, these ideas were reserved for men who had the potential to reach greatness of some kind – usually men with a claim to nobility. Despite their greatness, they become destined to fail because of some tragic flaw in their character. This tragic flaw is typically, but not always, the flaw of excessive pride in one’s own abilities. No matter what the flaw is, it is always tied strongly to the reasons for their success and is therefore something the individual is justifiably proud to exercise (Aristotle, 1998). According to Zarro (2001), â€Å"the tragic effect will be stronger if the hero is ‘better than we are’, in that he is of higher than ordinary moral worth. Such a man is shown as suffering a change in fortune from happiness to misery because of a mistaken act, to which he is led by his hamartia (his ‘effort of judgment’) or, as it is often literally translated, his tragic flaw.† Society has shifted since then in such a way that today, we consider the common man as having a greater chance of higher than ordinary moral worth in his dedication to making an honest living for modest goals. Today’s tragic hero cycle focuses more on the three events than the noble status. The social

Childs needs vs needs of the economy in formal education Essay

Childs needs vs needs of the economy in formal education - Essay Example The economic status of the nation and its needs serves as a marker as to what the society will or will not enjoy. It is very sound that education is one of the key in order for the economy to bloom. First, intelligent citizens that could react and work well to the accelarating global trend will do much contributions to the economic uplifting. The skills and values that children will learn in school is a valuable asset that they can use up to their proceeding years of life. In this context, the government or even parents encouraged their children to go have their formal education at their young age. The intention of early formal education is good, which is to make the child prepared for the needs of the economy. There is nothing wrong that children will learn how to read and write, or for them to learn how they are going to be responsible citizens. It is also good that they will will excel in their academic performance which might be the main reason for sending them to school at their early age. However, concentrating too much with the requirment of the economy in early formal education, mainly to the academic development of the child with to much expectation on academic performance at very young age is a serious issue. Academic expectation might be a thing that is in conflict with the child’s needs. This might outweighed children’s early development most especially the social and the cognitive progress. Early development in the child is very crucial, therefore it is necessary that every steps of that early development should not be disregarded. The concepts of Montessori about early child development is not necessarily to put pressure on the child by means of filling his mind with informations where he might not be ready of, but to cultivate the natural desire of the children to learn by means of designing situations wherein the children could react and eventually learn. It is the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Explore Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Explore - Essay Example Each chapter contains seven to eight selections that present themes in different angles and different life experiences. This work is mainly focused on illustrating one of the chapters, Prejudice and discrimination. The main purpose of this article is to illustrate how different authors, in their essays, wrote about prejudice and discrimination. These essays originate from various sources such as books, newspapers, the internet and magazines. Due to this variation, these essays vary in style, purpose and tone. Therefore, the aim of this article is to relate different ideas of the authors concerning their opinion on the subject matter by comparing their varying styles, tone and purpose. In the analysis of the essay, â€Å"The Word Police† written by Michiko Kakutani, the author uses definitions, examples and illustrations to support argument that language is on the edge of absurdity because people hide their true personalities and inequalities with euphemisms. He also states tha t due to euphemism, people are likely to distract their concentration from the main problems of prejudice and discrimination or injustice in the community. ... Furthermore, she used sarcasm in renovating words like, Superman and Miss in order to show her aversion to politically correct movement. Kakutani defined Political Correctness as a revelation of a more just and inclusive community whereby sexism, racism and prejudice of all kinds have been erased (Katherine 367-368). She further claimed that Political Correctness had a good intent though the methods employed by its activists to accomplish their goals were too extreme. This essay of Kakutani, â€Å"The Word Police† is a refreshing observation of a literally world policed by the P.C. (Politically Correct). She mainly poked the efforts of the P.C. police such as Maggio Rosalie the author of s Dictionary of nondiscriminatory language and The Bias-Free World Finder. During her mock, she mainly emphasized that the P.C. police efforts were over exaggerated. According to her, the excessive exaggeration of the P.C. contributed in complicating words thus diluting the message. From this essay, we can learn that accountability can be considered a worthwhile tool for the individuals who make every effort to better themselves. For that reason, the P.C. police efforts should be criticized and applauded due to punishing of many citizens abiding by language and for their keenness and determination to improved language mainly for inclusiveness respectively. Lakota Woman is another essay written by Mary Crow Dog that talks about prejudice and discrimination. Lakota woman is an autobiographic book of Mary Crow who was an Indian American woman. In this book, she tells the story of her life as an Indian American in the community of the white Americans. Mary

Complete In The Lab 1 Creating Objects for the ECO Clothesline Essay

Complete In The Lab 1 Creating Objects for the ECO Clothesline Database on page AC 66 AC 67 at the end of Access Chapter 1. Perform all steps. Submit the entire database file for grading - Essay Example A string supports a number of characters, mostly letters and symbols (Raghu & Gehrke, 2003). The following field is the first name of the sales rep, which is also a string. After the first name, the next field represents the street where the rep resides. This field is also a string and it supports the entry of numbers and characters. The other field after the street is the city field. This is followed by the state field which is a string, as well. The states’ representation is in the short form. After the states entry the field that follows is the postal code. This code is in an integer field. The other records are the base pay and commission fields. The representation is in decimals. The entries of the values of the commission are dependent on a calculation that is a percentage of all the sales made by that

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Childs needs vs needs of the economy in formal education Essay

Childs needs vs needs of the economy in formal education - Essay Example The economic status of the nation and its needs serves as a marker as to what the society will or will not enjoy. It is very sound that education is one of the key in order for the economy to bloom. First, intelligent citizens that could react and work well to the accelarating global trend will do much contributions to the economic uplifting. The skills and values that children will learn in school is a valuable asset that they can use up to their proceeding years of life. In this context, the government or even parents encouraged their children to go have their formal education at their young age. The intention of early formal education is good, which is to make the child prepared for the needs of the economy. There is nothing wrong that children will learn how to read and write, or for them to learn how they are going to be responsible citizens. It is also good that they will will excel in their academic performance which might be the main reason for sending them to school at their early age. However, concentrating too much with the requirment of the economy in early formal education, mainly to the academic development of the child with to much expectation on academic performance at very young age is a serious issue. Academic expectation might be a thing that is in conflict with the child’s needs. This might outweighed children’s early development most especially the social and the cognitive progress. Early development in the child is very crucial, therefore it is necessary that every steps of that early development should not be disregarded. The concepts of Montessori about early child development is not necessarily to put pressure on the child by means of filling his mind with informations where he might not be ready of, but to cultivate the natural desire of the children to learn by means of designing situations wherein the children could react and eventually learn. It is the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Complete In The Lab 1 Creating Objects for the ECO Clothesline Essay

Complete In The Lab 1 Creating Objects for the ECO Clothesline Database on page AC 66 AC 67 at the end of Access Chapter 1. Perform all steps. Submit the entire database file for grading - Essay Example A string supports a number of characters, mostly letters and symbols (Raghu & Gehrke, 2003). The following field is the first name of the sales rep, which is also a string. After the first name, the next field represents the street where the rep resides. This field is also a string and it supports the entry of numbers and characters. The other field after the street is the city field. This is followed by the state field which is a string, as well. The states’ representation is in the short form. After the states entry the field that follows is the postal code. This code is in an integer field. The other records are the base pay and commission fields. The representation is in decimals. The entries of the values of the commission are dependent on a calculation that is a percentage of all the sales made by that

Best Practices Guide for Multi-Disciplinary Teams Essay Example for Free

Best Practices Guide for Multi-Disciplinary Teams Essay Schools across the US are beginning to open-up classrooms, teachers are finding that they are no longer working alone or exclusively with members of their own profession. But with parent, Paraprofessionals, nurses, learning support staff, educational psychologists, social workers, and even community leaders and volunteers. This type of collaboration is called multidisciplinary teams, in its simplest terms this means members of different professions working together. Each member of a multidisciplinary team has an essential function and has valuable contribution to make in the identifying learning goals for the student, as well as the delivery of these goals across all areas from curriculum to learning opportunities and even the students extracurricular activities. Members of this team are also able to support the child at home to ensure that there is success between home and school. The success of the student depends on a strong home/school relationship; therefore, parents are strongly encouraged to participate. Each member of the team has specific qualification and duties: Local education agency (LEA) A representative qualified to supervise the needs of the student, someone who is knowledgeable of the general curriculum, is knowledgeable about the availability of resources of the public agency, and has the authority to commit agency resources. Family Not only is emphasis upon parental participation ethically proper and legally required, but â€Å"parental involvement has been associated with higher grades, positive behaviors and attitudes, reduced absenteeism, and increased study habits† (Lawrence Heller, 2001). Related staff and services This group of people can vary depending on the student or issue being evaluated. Most commonly you will have a school psychologist who may be responsible for completing an assessment of the student, analyzing and interpreting assessment data and conduct follow-up observations to determine the success of modifications put in place to aid the student. Other related personnel can include: †¢ Speech-language therapists †¢ Occupational therapists †¢ Physical therapists †¢ Vision specialists †¢ Medical personnel, such as nurses and dietitians †¢ Social workers †¢ Counselors and mental health personnel †¢ Adaptive physical education teachers †¢ Vocational specialists †¢ others Administrators A school administrator, principal or assistant principal is an essential member of the team. Because the administrator should be aware of specific resources and expertise within the school In addition, administrators are qualified to supervise the program and can commit necessary resources. The administrator usually works with LEA’s. Regular education teachers The regular education teacher and the special education teacher more than likely have shared and equal responsibilities to all students in the classroom. Usually, the regular education teachers role is ultimately in charge of instruction in the classroom. The teacher is also the line of communication between the school and home, keeping the parents informed about the students achievement and grades and educational programs. Special education teachers The special educators role is that of individualizing, diagnosing, and modifying curriculum. In an inclusive classroom the special education teacher would provide assessment and instructional planning in the mainstream setting, conduct remediation and tutorial and team teach. Team teaching arrangements were used in the 1960s (Stainback, S. Stainback, W., 1996) in an attempt to reach a wider range of children with diverse learning needs, particularly those at risk. Identification and Placement Procedures One of the most significant and complicated parts of a special education program is identifying eligible students, this is because the criteria for verifying a disability can be subjective and subject to change. Mistakenly identifying students as disabled or failing to identify students who actually need services can have a long term impact. Detailed steps have been created to improve the process of identifying a disability and ensuring fairness. Student Assistance Teams and Multidisciplinary Team Two procedures included the use of a student assistance team and a multidisciplinary evaluation team. The student assistance team search for alternative solutions when a student is having problems. The student assistance team is usually comprised of regular teachers, counselors and administrators, school psychologists and special education teachers can also be a part of the student assistance team. When the issue can not be resolved by the student assistance team then a written referral is made for an evaluation by the multidisciplinary team. Multidisciplinary team includes, but is not limited to psychologists, teachers (general and special education), administrators, and other specialists. This group of professionals follows federal and state regulations in order to determine whether a student is eligible for special education services. Before any student can be evaluated, however, the written permission must be obtained from the parents. The team approach provides additional validity to the verification process. Medical, educational, psychological, and social characteristics are usually used in the verification process. In many cases the School psychologist interprets the assessment data and is responsible for translating this information to the team for implementation. Once it has been determined that special education services are needed the team may meet as often as needed to discuss the implementation. School personnel are required to provide documentation of the mastery of benchmarks and annual goals. It is not required that all goals are meet one school term, but they must provide evidence that they are working toward achieving the goals.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Causes and Effects of Lung Cancer

Causes and Effects of Lung Cancer Lung Cancer occurs when the cells within an organism undergo mutations that cause the cell not to perform their regular duties. The cancerogenous cell then goes through the process of mitosis and produces a tumor in the tissue. Cancerogenous cells reproduce very quickly, unlike healthy cells that preserve a system of checks and balances on cell growth so that cells divide to produce new cells only when new cells are needed. 1 According to, some of the symptoms that may suggest lung cancer are: dyspnea (shortness of breath) hemoptysis (coughing up blood) chronic coughing or change in regular coughing pattern wheezing chest pain or pain in the abdomen cachexia (weight loss), fatigue, and loss of appetite dysphonia (hoarse voice) clubbing of the fingernails (uncommon) dysphagia (difficulty swallowing). Shortness of breath can be caused by the cancer growing in the airway. This can lead to accumulation of discharges, exposing people to pneumonia. A great deal of lung cancers have a a lot of blood going to the tumors and if the surface of the cancer is fragile this could cause the cancer to bleed into the airway and that results in blood being coughed out by the patient. Tumors in the top of the lung may plague the local part of the nervous system, leading to a difference in sweating patterns, eye muscle problems, and muscle weakness in the hands. Some of the symptoms of lung cancer such as fever, loss of appetite and weight, pain, etc are nonspecific; in the elderly. In many patients, the cancer has already spread beyond the original site by the time they have symptoms and seek medical attention. 2 About 10% of people that suffer from lung cancer do not present any symptoms when they find out they have the sickness; in most cases the patients find out they have lung cancer during chest radiography in routine checkups. Lung cancer is probably the most frequently diagnosed cancer in the world. In the United States of America, lung cancer is the second most common cancer and the number one cause of cancer death in both men and women. Men have a higher chance of getting lung cancer because, as studies done by the smokers association show, men smoke more than women do, but since women started smoking in larger numbers, more women are getting lung cancer.3 Lung cancer incidence rates are similar among African-American and white women. Among men lung cancer occurs about 50% more frequently among African-American men than among white men. Lung cancer mortality rates among Hispanics, Native Americans, and Asians/Pacific Islanders are significantly lower than rates among AfricanAmericans and non-Hispanic whites. The geographic distribution of Lung Cancer shows marked regional variation. The disease tends to be most frequent in highly developed countries (HDC), and less common in least developing countries (LDC), especially Africa and South America. The low rates of lung cancer in LDCs are similar to United States rates in the 1930s, when rates of lung cancer were under 5 cases per 100,000 for both sexes. In contrast, African-Americans in the United States, an epicenter of the disease, now experience lung cancer incidence rates that are among the highest in the world.4 Lung cancer is begining to dicrease in LDCs, but the number of incidences has become incredibly high in HDC, specially the United Stated of America. Treatment for lung cancer comes in various forms depending on how advanced the cancer is. The most common treatment for cancer is chemotherapy, also called chemo. This treatment is used to treat early stages of cancer to get rid of any cancer cells that may be left behind after surgery and to reduce the risk of the cancer coming back, and in the advanced stage to destroy or damage the cancer cells as much as possible. Side effects of chemo are anemia, appetite changes, bleeding problems, constipation, diarrhea,fatigue, hair loss, infection, memory changes, nausea and vomiting, pain, swelling. Radiation therapy uses high-energy radiation such as X-rays,gamma rays, and charged particles to shrink cancerogenous tumors and get rid of cancer cells. The cells may receive radiation from a machine outside of the body, or through a device placed in the body near the cells. Radiotherapy damages the DNA of the cancer cells eliminating the disease. The cancer is eliminated as cells with unrepairable DNA demage stop replicating and die. The dead cells are then eliminated by the bodys natural process. This therapy can also harm non-cancer cells resulting in side effects.Some of the side effects include fibrosis, bowel damage ÂÂ  which may cause bleeding and diarrhea, infertility and memory loss. Cancer can be surgically removed from the body. This process is done by making an incision into the body and removing the tumor and some surrounding healthy tissue to ensure that all of the cancer cells are removed. The surgeon could extract a lung partially or completely to ensure that the cancer has been taken away. Environmental causes that can lead to lung cancer are the exposure to radon, air pollution and second hand smoking. Radon oozes through the ground, and leaks into the atmosphere and our water supply. This dangerous chemical gets into homes through open doors and windows, cracked floors, or the foundation, and it can slowly build up in the home. ÂÂ  Studies show that high levels of radon gas inside homes and other buildings increase the number of new cases of lung cancer and the number of deaths caused by lung cancer. In nonsmokers, about 30% of deaths caused by lung cancer have been linked to being exposed to radon.5 Secondhand smoke comes from tobacco products such as burning cigarettes, it also comes from the smoke that people using tobacco products exhale. People who inhale secondhand smoke are called passive smokers, and they are also exposed to the risk of getting lung cancer, but in smaller amounts than smokers. Air pollution mainly from vehicles, industry, and power plants raises the chances of lung cancer in people exposed to it long term. Avoiding the exposure to these risk factors, along with a well balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables and lack of smoking, can help prevent lung cancer. Cancer is caused by several environmental factors such as exposure to air pollution and radon; however, the main cause of lung cancer is still the consumption of nicotine, which is the main component of cigarettes. There are several lifestyles people can adopt that will reduce the risk of lung cancer. Choosing to live in open areas with minimum exposure to pollutants in the environment is one of them; if you add to that a life free of cigarettes accompanied by a healthy diet and regular exercise your risk of getting lung cancer will be dramatically reduced.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Joseph’s Dialect in Wuthering Heights Essay -- Language Literature

Despite the fact that English is considered one language, there are many regional varieties called dialects spoken all over the world. Although these dialects are mutually intelligible by English speakers, they are quite different. For example, British English is markedly different than American English. British speakers pronounce words differently and use a different vocabulary. Some words and phrases have different meanings in American English versus British English. One example is the word â€Å"bathroom.† If an American were to ask where the bathroom is in a British home, they might be sent to a room with a bath and no toilet, which is probably not what the American wanted. The two dialects may even differ in grammar in some cases. For example, â€Å"gotten† is considered correct in American English, but in British English, â€Å"got† is used. Dialects do not merely differ according to country, however. Within a single country, there may be many dialects. In the United States, one can usually tell if a person is from the South, East, West, or Midwest based on the way that they speak. There are regional dialects within states and even within cities as well. Every dialect has its own phonological and syntactic patterns, as well as some unique vocabulary. Analyzing dialects can be difficult due to the fact that is it hard to transcribe the pronunciation of an individual dialect because English is not spelled the same way it is pronounced. Furthermore, one person’s interpretation of spelling a dialect might not match up with another’s, so the reader might not â€Å"hear† the dialect properly. Regardless, written versions of dialects are essential to discussing dialectical differences. Sometimes when an author wants to emphasize the fact that a c... ...lects. The reason this is possible may go back to the early stages of language acquisition. Although we learn to speak English in one particular way, our brain retains the capability to understand English spoken in hundreds, if not thousands of different ways. Works Cited Class Notes. Dec. 6th, 2010. Clark, Virginia P., Paul A. Eschholz, and Alfred F. Rosa. Language: Introductory Readings. 7th ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2008. Print. —. Language: Readings in Language and Culture. 6th ed. New York: St. Martin's, 1998. Print. Fromkin, Victoria, Robert Rodman, and Nina Hyams. An Introduction to Language. 8th ed. Boston: Thomson, 2007. Lee, Marnie. "Joseph's Yorkshire Dialect in Wuthering Heights." Associated Content. Yahoo!, 4 May 2010. Web. 12 Dec. 2010. "Understanding Joseph's Speech." The Reader's Guide to Wuthering Heights. Web. 12 Dec. 2010.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Direct and Indirect Representation :: essays research papers

Direct and Indirect Representation   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Living in a democratic society, we as Americans have the right to vote on just about all aspects of our lives. The votes that we cast either have a direct or an indirect representation of our beliefs. In cases such as city and statewide laws, our beliefs are directly represented; in all national and organizational matters our votes have an indirect impact. The decisions are made by elected officials who we vote into office to represent our beliefs. One example of this indirect representation can be found in any citywide school board where the elected members make decisions on everything ranging from teacher employment to class curriculum. It is debatable whether, on situations as sensitive as class curriculum, we should be directly involved in such decisions or have them made for us by our elected officials. As we will find, however, class curriculum is something that must continue to be an indirect representation of the public’s beliefs, rather than the di rect result of a democratic vote. The people we have voted onto the school board were elected because they have the education and experience to make the decisions that the public is not qualified to make. They try, to the best of their abilities, to represent us with their decisions, but no matter what there will always be people who are not satisfied. In some instances the school board must make a decision which the majority of people will not agree with, but nonetheless will benefit our children. Our representatives have done the research and the public has not, which is why the public should not make judgement calls on the importance and relevance of certain materials and subjects within our school systems. An example of what happens when the public is allowed to decide can be found in the case of evolution vs. creationism. Some states have, in the past, outlawed the teaching of evolution because the public didn’t agree with it, even though almost all scientists had accepted it. The children in school at th at time were deprived of important information. There is no reason why a scientifically recognized subject should be banned from schools simply because the public doesn’t â€Å"agree† with it. Our society is obligated to keep our citizens informed. A direct vote on class curriculum only perpetuates the older generation’s perspective, as their children grow up to take their place.

Friday, October 11, 2019

The environmental management

Environmental Management is a really of import constituent of sustainable life. The interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary nature of Environmental Management enables it to work out the complex environmental jobs ( pollution, eroding, implosion therapy, deforestation, desertification, merely to call but a few ) that basically qualify our landscape at the local regional and planetary graduated table. To better understand these jobs, the subject draws on a wealth of expertness in both constructs and attacks from the natural or physical and societal scientific disciplines to develop this interdisciplinary. This essay seeks to research the nature of environmental direction and in peculiar, attending is drawn on the interdisciplinary and transdisciplinarity of environmental direction. The environmental jobs we face today are many and varied. From pollution, eroding, implosion therapy, deforestation, desertification, to climate change- all present themselves in really practical footings and as such environmental direction is more of import than of all time before. However, the field has been the topic of broad unfavorable judgment. For case Bryant and Wilson ( 1998 ) criticized the field as a consequence of the restrictions in the apprehension of root causes-political, economic or cultural issues. There is no by and large acceptable definition of the capable environmental direction. This is partially due to its ‘ wide range and in portion of the diverseness of specialism ( Barrow, 1999 ) . However, efforts have been made by several writers to specify environmental direction. For illustration, Riordan ( 1995 ) ; Barrow ( 1999 ) ; Wilson and Bryant ( 1997 ) ; Bryant and Geoff ( 2009 ) , have all made significant attempt to specify Environmental Management. Environmental direction has been defined as both a procedure and a field of survey ( Wilson and Bryant 1997 ) . In his book, Barrow ( 1999 p. 5 ) presented an overview of some definitions of Environmental Management. Like Environmental Management, definitions and readings of interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity abound in literature. For case, Klein, 2004 ; Tress and Tress, 2001 ; Tress et al. , 2005 ; Jones and Macdonald, 2007 ; Evans and Randalls, 2008 ; and Wesselink, 2009. In its simplest sense interdisciplinar ity is an integrative research attack that transects many disciplinary boundaries with a common end and the purpose of production of new cognition and theory ( Tress et al. , 2005 ) . As a procedure, Environmental Management, harmonizing to ( Wilson and Bryant, 1997 p.7 ) can be defined ‘ â€Å"as a multi-layered procedure associated with the interaction of province and non-state environmental directors with the environment and with each other. Environmental Directors are those whose support is chiefly dependent on the application of accomplishment in the active and self witting, direct or indirect, use of the environment with the purpose of heightening predictability in a context of societal and environmental uncertainness†¦ . † While the term ‘state ‘ will include province functionaries such as Department of the Environment, DoE, and Department of Environment Food and Rural Agriculture, DEFRA, merely to call a few, ‘non-state ‘ , on the other manus includes environmental NGOs, husbandmans, multinational corporations ( TNCs ) , hunter-gatherers. In this visible radiation, environmental direction is a procedure non sole merely to big national and international environmental histrions but inclusive to a scope of preponderantly local degree environmental histrions ( Wilson and Bryant, 1997 ) . On the other manus, Environmental direction, as a field of survey, evolved with the turning concern about environmental debasement in the late sixtiess and early 1970 ( Bryant and Geoff, 2009 ; Wilson and Bryant, 1997 ) after station industrialisation. Harmonizing to Barrow ( 2006: 24-26 ) Environmental Management as a field can be subdivided into the followers: â€Å"sustainable development issues ; environmental appraisal, patterning, prediction and hindcasting ; corporate environmental direction ; pollution acknowledgment and control ; environmental economic sciences ; environmental enforcement and statute law ; environment and development establishments and moralss ; environmental direction systems and quality issues ; environmental planning and direction ; appraisal of stakeholders involved in environmental direction ; environmental perceptual experiences and instruction ; community engagement for environmental management/sustainability ; establishment edifice for environmental management/sustainable development ; biodiversity preservation ; natural resources direction ; environmental rehabilitation/restoration ; environmental political relations ; environmental assistance and establishment building† . While the list is non thorough, partially because Environmental Management is comparatively a nascent subject ( Barrow, 2006 ) and is still germinating, its wide range is readily appreciated at a glimpse, as it tends to techno-centric job work outing attack instead than reactive attack. Table 1 high spots some separating characteristics of traditional environmental direction as it were during its early development and at present. Mentioning to interdisciplinarity, the interdisciplinary nature of environmental direction is more than merely integrating. It is basically a modern manner of believing that involves designation, definition every bit good as reading of surveies with the position of proffering practical oriented solutions to environmental jobs ( O'Riordan, 1995 ) . Again, Transdisciplinary surveies harmonizing to Tress et Al. ( 2005 ) involves the integrating of both academic and non-academic participant ( stakeholders ) to research a common end with the creative activity of new cognition and theory. It is expressed from the definitions above that interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity are both integrative, in that new cognition and theory is created. However, a distinguishing component is that ‘transdisciplinary research combines interdisciplinarity with a participatory attack ( Tress et al. , 2005 ) Traditional Environmental Management Modern Environmental ManagementLargely ‘top-down attack ‘ ‘Bottom-up ‘ attackManagement was autocratic participatory and much more integrativeShort term program Long term program and hence sustainableExploitational in attack Emphasizes stewardship instead than development.Tends to be reactive Tends to be proactive and participatoryDisciplinary, at best multidisciplinary Interdisciplinary, or even holistic in attackState centric Non province factors involved in the procedure of EMInfluence of natural scientific discipline subject Shift from the natural scientific discipline to societal scientific disciplineBraid and Tress ( 2001 ) introduced a transdisciplinary landscape construct. The transdisciplinary landscape construct, harmonizing to Tress and Tress ( 2001 ) is based on five dimensions: the spacial entity, the mental entity, the temporal dimension, the link of nature and civilization, and the systemic belongingss of lan dscape. The significance of coaction in interdisciplinary and trandisciplinary research in the apprehension of human-environment interaction can non be overemphasized. Although environmental direction takes its root from the natural scientific discipline, nevertheless at that place seems to be a displacement from the natural scientific discipline to societal scientific discipline ( Bryant and Wilson, 1998 ) . Figure 1 as shown in the appendix depicts the profound influence from the societal scientific disciplines and once more, in the words of Wilsons and Bryant ( 1997, p 17 ) ‘Environmental Management operates at the intersection of a scope of subjects and subdisciplines ‘ . From the foregoing, It is obvious that Environmental Management is progressively going interdisciplinary and using a great trade of transdisciplinarity attacks. For illustration, Wesselink ( 2008 ) and Potschin and Haines-Young ( 2005 ) have emphasized the importance of using transdisciplinarity in their surveies of land usage planning and landscape ecology respectively.. While the environmental jobs we face today are many and varied both in range and complexness, no one subject can efficaciously supply the cognition adequate plenty to to the full understand nor work out them ( Tress and Tress, 2001 ) . Modern attacks of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinarity in Environmental Management can be a Panacea of all local to planetary environmental ailments. This notwithstanding, more powerful and robust tools are needed for covering with the jobs of scaling and uncertainness which are important in the human-environment interaction at all graduated table. It is the place of this essay, hence, that while the hunt for a strong and robust tools continues in order to extenuate, control and prevent environmental jobs, active audience and coaction with local communities is a necessary ingredient for sustainable solution.MentionsBarrow, C. J 1999. Environmental Management: Principles and Practice. Routledge, London.Barrow, C. J. 2006. Environmental Management f or Sustainable Development. 2nd edition. Routledge, London.Bryant R.L and Wilson G.A 1998. Rethinking Environmental Management. Advancement in Human Geography 22 ( 3 ) pp 321-343Evans, J. and Randalls, S. 2008 Geography and Paratactical Interdisciplinarity: Positions from the ESRC-NERC PhD studentship programme. Geoforum 39 pp 581-592Jones, P. and Macdonald, N. 2007. Geting it incorrect first clip: edifice on interdisciplinary research relationship. Area 39 ( 4 ) pp 490-498.O'Riordan, T. erectile dysfunction 1995 Environmental Science for Environmental Management Longman Scientific & A ; Technical, England.Potschin, M and Haines-Young, R. 2006. †Rio+10 † , Sustainability Science and Landscape Ecology. Landscape and urban planning. 75, 162-74.Phillipson, J. and Lowe, P. 2009 Barriers to Research Collaboration across subjects: scientific paradigms and institutional patterns. Environment and Planing 41, pp 1171-1184Klein, J. T. 2004 Prospects for Transdisciplinarity. Future s 36 pp 515-526Braid, B and Tress, G 2001 Capitalising on Multiplicity: A Transdisciplinary Systems Approach to Landscape Research. Landscape and Urban Planning 57, pp 143-157Braid, B. , Tress, G. , Fry, G. and Opdam, P. 2005 explosive detection systems. From Landscape Research to Landscape Planning: Aspects of Integration, Education and Application. Springer, Netherland.Wesselink, A 2009. The Emergence of interdisciplinary Knowledge in Problem-focussed Research. Area 41 ( 4 ) pp. 404-413.Wilson, G. A and Bryant, R.L 1997. Environmental Management: New Directions fot the Twenty-First Century.UCL, London

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Summation of the Virgin and the Dynamo

Ben McAllister English 190 10/4/2010 In Henry Adam’s â€Å"The Dynamo and the Virgin,† he starts to speculate about Christianity’s strength during the medieval times and how it can be related to the twentieth century energy, using the dynamos, that produced electricity. He says when he relates religion and energy,† As he grew accustomed to the gallery of machines, he began to feel the forty-foot dynamos as a moral force, much as the early Christians felt the Cross. By doing this he is explaining he believes the relation between the machines and their parts are just like the Christians being part of the Cathedral and their faith. Therefore, after his relation is given between faith and science, decides he is going to combine the two in his studies, and everything that is considered irrational, he would say it takes faith to believe. He goes on to say how there could never be an American Virgin, since we relate that to sin. As he gets older, continues to sear ch for reasons why the Virgin is still lost in our culture, and he explains it has always been there.He says the Virgin is a force that shaped our Western Civilization, but we had to find her. Word count: 199 Grade: 17/20. Overall, pretty solid here, Ben – the first half of the summation works very well, as you’ve got a clear opening sentence and a pretty clear link to what Adams sees the connection between the two symbols. But, one thing to think about adding here would be less about how Americans see the Virgin, and how of how Adams sees the dynamo – how does he see that symbol as power

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

GMO Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

GMO - Essay Example Unfortunately, majority of the people were against their existence in the country and made pleads to the government for them to be extremely regulated or better still completely banned. Consequently, it should be noted that as of now, Genetically Modified Organisms such as plants have both pro and cons that should be critically analyzed before they are let to be used in a particular countries or otherwise. Basically, Genetically Modified Organisms (plants) are denoted as crops that are generated for the sole purpose of making easier consumption by human beings and animals where the latest molecular techniques in biology are used. For instance, plants geneticists are responsible for the isolation of genes that are said to bring about drought tolerance and replace with those that are drought resistance (FAOUN 5) In this regard, the emergence and continuous existence of the Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) plants could only be deemed as proper and as such should be allowed across the world. Scientists have continually argued that, it is through the use of such plants that the world will experience the impact of technology and the increase in food availability. Of most importance is that since the inception of these plants, it is believed that the world’s population has increased with approximately six billion people and it is believed that trend will continue in the next few years. FAOUN (7) argues that Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) have been confirmed as been resistant to pest. For instance, it has been affirmed that losses emanating from insect pests have adversely impacted farming negatively through financial losses and lack of adequate food in developing countries. Similarly, these organisms have also been confirmed to have disease tolerance particularly in viruses, bacteria and fungi which are known to facilitate diseases in most crops leading to reduced yields. Another aspect that should encourage the continuous

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Business proposal(reserch) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Business proposal(reserch) - Essay Example (Abercrombie & Fitch, 2007) A&F clothing are manufactured in different countries all over the world including El Salvador, Indonesia, Peru and Thailand among others. (Pascal, n.d.) By subcontracting the production of clothing in Asia and other third world countries, the company is able to save more money at the expense of low-paid labours. The difference between the high selling price and the cost of clothing per unit makes the high profitability of the company. Considering that the brand name A&F sells on its own, the company saves a lot of money from the need to invest on expensive external advertising. A&F products are delivered straight to the consumers via branded retail stores, catalogs, and on-line networks. (Abercrombie & Fitch, 2007) As of June 2007, the company operates 355 A&F stores, 182 Abercrombie stores, 409 Hollister Co. stores, and 17 RUEHL stores selling young adult clothing all over the United States. Six of these stores are located in Canada. (PR Newswire, 2007) A&F has recently opened stores in Savile Row, London and expanded its store outlets in North America in Edmonton, Alberta, and Canada. (Earnest, 1999) For kids clothing, the company has opened a total of 175 stores to serve customers between ages seven to 14 years old. In June 2007, as part of A&F global expansion, the company announced its plan to expand its retail store throughout Europe particularly in Italy, France, Germany, Spain, Denmark, and Sweden. An Australian retailer Harvey Norman opens a store in Ireland. (Callanan, 2005) In line with store expansion, A&F invests on Oracle system to enhance the efficiency of its supply chain network across more than 950 stores. (Friedlos, 2007) A&F outsource the manufacturing of its products offshore by entering into a contract with MAGIC. (Sourcing at MAGIC, 2007) Through MAGIC, A&F place the order by bulk in order to maximize the

Monday, October 7, 2019

Germany's Weltpolitik Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Germany's Weltpolitik - Essay Example directed against socialists! Caprivi's successor, Prince Hohenlohe (Chancellor 1894 -1900), was an elderly Bavarian aristocrat with a reputation for indecision and procrastination. Thus Hohenlohe became a figure-head and Blow, his foreign minister, exerted a powerful influence under him. In time Blow became Chancellor between 1900 - 1909. He was a manipulator and self-seeker who pandered to the emperor. He became unpopular with the Kaiser following the Daily Telegraph affair, and was replaced by Bethmann-Hollweg, who was Chancellor between 1909 - 17. He was a hard-working and well-meaning bureaucrat lacking experience in foreign affairs, and ignorant of military issues. Caprivi's adopted a more conciliatory attitude to previously hostile forces within Germany, such as the Centre Party and the Social Democrats. In 1891 with the backing of the Reichstag, he introduced the prohibition on Sunday working and limitations on child labour. He also reformed Germany's tariff policy - in a series a bilateral agreements with Austria-Hungary, Italy, Russia and others he negotiated a reduction of German tariffs on agricultural goods in return for reductions in foreign tariffs on German goods. However, this initiated a reaction. In 1893 the Agrarian League was formed; it grew to a million members and acted as powerful pressure group for the Conservatives. earning the resentment of the army... eries a bilateral agreements with Austria-Hungary, Italy, Russia and others he negotiated a reduction of German tariffs on agricultural goods in return for reductions in foreign tariffs on German goods. However, this initiated a reaction. In 1893 the Agrarian League was formed; it grew to a million members and acted as powerful pressure group for the Conservatives. In 1892 - 3 Caprivi also reduced conscription from 3 to 2 years in the Army Bill; thus earning the resentment of the army. In 1894 Wilhelm II pressed Caprivi to draw up an anti-socialist Subversion Bill; Caprivi refused. Although he did dissuade Wilhelm II from adopting an even more authoritarian approach, he resigned. Weltpolitik The aged Hohenlohe held the Chancellorship until 1900, but he was no match for court and government intrigue. Policy was directed more by Blow, Tirpitz and Posadowsky-Wehner. In 1897 Admiral von Tirpitz was appointed navy secretary; Count Posadowsky-Wehner as interior minister; Blow as foreign secretary. A period of Weltpolitik was introduced - colonnial annexations, creation of economic spheres of influence, and expansion of the navy. The Kaiser wanted Germany to become a world power. There was a belief in social Darwinism and the unending struggle between nations. The peasantry and Mittlestand had become radicalised; and many pressure groups formed - especially, the Pan-German League, which was anti-Socialist, racist, anti-Semitic and expansionist. In 1898 Tripitz initiated the creation of the Navy League, with financial backing from key industrialists. Membership rose to 1 million. The Navy Bills of 1898 and 1900 were passed with substantial majorities. There was renewed political struggle within Germany over the renewal of Caprivi's commercial treaties - the compromise Tariff

Sunday, October 6, 2019

What are the starting activities that the Municipality of XXXX in Research Proposal

What are the starting activities that the Municipality of XXXX in Cyprus need to manage in order to implement successfully Citizen Relationship Management - Research Proposal Example It makes for greater convenience, accountability and reliability on part of a public organization to its citizens. This concept has yet to develop fully in Cyprus. European policymakers hope CzRM would be implemented in all governments to improve overall operations. Although CzRM has been implemented in other regions of Europe, the local authorities of Cyprus are in initial stages of investigating it for their own communities. That is one reason why conducting an investigation of the feasibility of CzRM for the Municipality of Ayia Napa in Cyprus is so important. The aim of this research project will be to suggest to the Municipality of Ayia Napa a list of starting activities for the successful implementation of CzRM according to their existing conditions and needs. These results will help the Municipality of Ayia Napa implement CzRM to increase their effective efficiency. It will ultimately help guide other municipalities in Cyprus because of developmental and operational similarities. There are challenges in CzRM system development. One is interpersonal. Niehoff and Moorman found that direct observation negatively influenced a group’s overall opinions of the monitor but positively affected their opinions of his or her fairness (1993). The other is procedural. According to Lytras, CzRM requires in-depth analysis of infrastructures and knowledge processes (2006). Nevertheless, Thai Government has studied this new stage in participative democracy. They promoted participation through e-forums. (Komolrit 2004). CitiStat is a method of data collection and analysis including behavioral feedback to help city administrators coordinate compartmentalized efforts. Ultimately, it is a technology augmenting management practice including citizens in optimizing participation CzRM connect online portals, electronic case management, call centers, physical one-stop service centers and CRM software (Schellong 2008). Participating municipalities can be in different stages

Saturday, October 5, 2019

TBA Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

TBA - Research Paper Example This automotive racing world forwarded through the use of new technology and development. It is true that global environment is getting affected due to high consumption of fossil fuel and growing emission level of Carbon. The huge popularity of World Motorsport and negative impact on the environment forced the automotive industry, Energy department of United States of America and Environmental protection agency of the United States of America started to take the initiative to manufacture and design green racing vehicles. It is true that high sped and heavy racing vehicles need huge energy to perform effectively in a race. But, the automotive industry decided that the time has come to harness the creativity, innovation and efficiency to improve the effectiveness of the vehicles both on the track and off the track. Motorsport is considered as one of the popular sporting events that significantly contributed to the socio-cultural and economical development of a country. In addition to this, these specific events help to attract global visitors to experience the events. Looking into these aspects, several regulatory bodies, government of country and motorsport agency try to maintain sustainability of world motorsport events. It is clear from the introduction that the governmental bodies and motorsport agency is trying to introduce green motorsport racing in order to maintain environmental sustainability. Following discussion will help the readers to understand about its historical implication, economic and social issues and cultural perspective of this green motorsport racing event. Massive use of fossil fuel affects the environmental balance. High carbon emission level is the major consequence of the consumption of fossil fuel. It is known to all that motorsport vehicles consume high every fossil fuel as energy resources. In addition to this, consumption level of fuels is

Friday, October 4, 2019

Methodology and questionnaires Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Methodology and questionnaires - Essay Example This could be due to a plethora of reasons- like gender discrimination, perceived lack of female managerial qualifications/experience, bias shown towards women showing that they are emotionally not competent to occupy managerial positions, perceived threats of male colleagues during promotions, sexual harassment, need to devote time for household work, inability to work at odd hours and night hours, restricted mobility, etc, All these factors combine to create situations in which the situation of women may be marginalised or even threatened by the hierarchy or the work culture and ethos of the institution. There are several aspects for methodology to be carried out and they use the multiple data collection system. The multiple systems could entail both qualitative and quantitative surveys. The quantitative methodology invokes use of statistical and other measures of quantitative analysis whereas, the qualitative would be in terms of structured interviews. Structured interviews are of standard format which entail open ended or closed ended questionnaires. Open ended questions would give the respondents scope for expressing themselves more verbally than closed ends, in which the questions would respond with either Yes or No. This is important because in a study of this kind, in which both quantitative and qualitative data need to be gathered and expounded, qualitative data need to be structured, open ended and amenable to further research and interpretations. 1. Methodology to deal with Research Question No.1: This research question deals with the need to create new management part time jobs to accommodate women into these positions and make better and more productive use of the women work force’s This could be done though face-to-face interviews with the Top Directors and Senior Management Team of the company regarding the induction of newly created vacancies for women in management positions. The interviews with such executives would be able to throw light

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Foreign Literature Essay Example for Free

Foreign Literature Essay Last night I was at the presentation of the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize, at the National Portrait Gallery, where a young Angolan writer, Josà © Eduardo Agualusa, was announced the 2007 winner for his novel The Book of Chameleons, translated from the Portuguese by Daniel Hahn. Set in contemporary Angola, the book is particularly notable for being narrated by a lizard. The judges this year were the poet David Constantine, writer and editor Jennie Erdal, Arts Council Literature officer Kate Griffin, novelist Ali Smith and the literary editor of the Independent, Boyd Tonkin. Admirably the prize is shared between the translator and author, thus honouring an art that often goes unsung. The book was evidently a popular choice and Agualusa received his award in person, accompanied by whoops and cheers. Tonkin extols the prize as a unique bridge between writers abroad and readers at home. As thrilled as I was that this talented newcomer beat such literary heavyweights as Ismail Kadare and Javier Marà ­as, however, I was even more delighted that the award honours a small literary publisher, Arcadia, who recently celebrated their 10th anniversary. The dedicated team at Arcadia are worthy recipients of this prestigious award, not just for bringing this imaginative young writer to an English readership, but overall for their championing of cultural diversity and for widening our literary choice 50% of their 2007 lists are books in translation. Given the effects of globalisation elsewhere, it seems astonishing that we dont translate more foreign literature in this country. Apparently, translated fiction accounts for only 3% of fiction sales in the UK, compared with 30-40% in France or Spain. The British are voracious readers, so why are we so insular? Dont we welcome unusual voices and different perspectives? How can we exert pressure on publishers to produce more translated fiction? For those interested in foreign literature, an excellent resource is Words Without Borders, an online magazine dedicated to promoting international exchange through translation and publishing works/extracts on the web. And if youd like to see Josà © Eduardo Agualusa and Daniel Hahn, theyll be reading from The Book of Chameleons this evening at Foyles bookshop, London, 6.30pm 8.30pm.